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Armor is defined by the following function:

void Armor_Name (category, protection, -special) 
// Category
//     Armor categories fall into one of three listings.
//     * Light armor takes up two inventory slots and allows swimming without 
//     * Medium armor takes up four inventory slots, bestows one point of 
//Encumbrance  and requires a Strength check for swimming
//     * Heavy armor takes up six inventory slots, bestows three points of 
//Encumbrance, and swimming is not available. 
//     The bonus amount applied to the wearer’s Defense score. If no value is 
//present, use default values:
//     * Light offers +2 Defense
//     * Medium offers +4 Defense
//     * Heavy offers +6 Defense
//     Denotes any special or different ability, or specific type of protection 
//the armor may have. Any defined special should be immediately documented.

Armored_Clothing (light, 2)

From three piece suits lined with ballistic material to whatever weird statement the celebrities are wearing.

Battle_Jacket (light, 2, Spiked)

>Grappler takes 1d4 damage per round
Denim jacket covered in patches and spikes. Blend in at the punk rock or metal show.

Environmental_Suit (heavy, 2, Env_Protect(8))

>Provides damage resistance of 8 against Acid and airborne Toxins.
Mostly used by clean up crews after power plant disasters or terrorist attacks.

Fire_Suit (heavy, 4, Fire_Protect(8))

>Provides damage resistance of 8 against Fire damage
What Firemen wear in rescues or street brawls.

Ghillie_Suite (medium, 2, Bush)

>You look exactly like a bush.
Useful in wooded areas. Or offices with a lot of potted plants.

Heavy_Leather (light, 2)

Standard gear for any biker goon or punk rocker.

Kevlar_Vest (medium, 4)

A vest full of ceramic plates. Still hurts when shot.

Lined_Trench_Coat (medium, 4, Conceal)

_>Inside pockets allow for hiding one medium or smaller object from view. _
You’ll either look like a cool detective, or edgy as fuck. No inbetween.

Military_Surplus (heavy, 6, Drag_Handle)

>Wearer can be moved using only one free hand
Scratch and dent models left over from a recent war. Includes drag handle so your friends can haul your broken body out of combat

Psycho_Suit (medium, 4, Injector)

>Stores one dose of a chemical and allows for injection without a free hand
Left over from a war with a lot of reluctant soldiers. Reluctant soldiers stop being reluctant when you pump them full of drugs.

Radiation_Suit (heavy, 2, Rad_Protect(8))

>Provides damage resistance of 8 against Radiation damage
Big bulky suit that protects against radiation, but looks silly.

Riot_Shield (light, 1, One_Handed)

>Can be used with one hand
The shield pigs break out at every peaceful protest, just hoping for an excuse. This one has been liberated, though. Or sold in surplus.

Soviet_Greatcoat (medium, 4, Cryo_Protect(4))

>Provides damage resistance of 4 against Cryo damage
Smells of onions, vodka, and the Motherland.