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Fully installing Augments requires the purchase of a Replacement part as well as the Upgrade being installed. Additional installations to the same limb can be purchased at the Upgrade cost, without Replacement. You already have it, afterall.

Augment effects are stackable.

There’s no set limit to how much can be installed to a limb section, save for your cash. There’s no set aesthetic either. You want to jam all the eye augments into a single eye? Fine. Want multiple electronic eyes lining your face? Great! Get weird with it. You’re in a world that fetishizes technology, nothing matters anymore.

Purchasing Augments is restricted until level 5, and must be acquired through Augment templates between levels 1-4. Feel free to steal them off of bodies, though. They’re not using them anymore.


These are basic prosthetics that return function to the limb, nothing more. Obvious replacements are clearly cybernetic. Lifelike replacements look like flesh and blood.


Should you happen to find yourself with a fresh body with augmentations you’re wanting, reclaiming them is as easy as finding a black clinic and having it harvested and installed. It’s recycling really. They’re not using it. It would be a waste not to.

Cyber Sponsoring

Want an augment you can’t afford? Well, you’re in luck! Much like the e-readers of old, that display commercials for corporations, there are several options you can take in order to reduce the cost of the augment. Simply agree to some minor advertisement services or non intrusive data collection, and your dreams of owning a piece of cutting edge cyberware can be yours!

Prices can only be marked down to 50%. Don’t think you’re being cute.

Branded (-10%) - The company’s name and logo are prominently displayed in the augment. It’s not exactly “cool,” now, is it? Expect to be made fun of for it. Treat each piece of branded cyberware as an “interesting scar” but, you know, the opposite.

Commercial Break (-25%) - Before you can use the augment, you must sit through a short, 10-second commercial. The augmentation projects a small image into the world, accompanied by an audio advertisement, ensuring everyone around you has to suffer for your cheapness. Pretty awkward for medical augments.

Commercial Hologram (-25%) - From time-to-time the augmentation vomits forth a holographic projection three feet above your head, both revealing your location and annoying others with needless products.

DRM Protected (-30%) - Usage of the augment is based on a monthly subscription. Failure to pay the subscription results in a DRM shutting down the augment. “Surely a cybernetic arm without super strength is still a fancy prosthetic arm?” Nope. DRM shuts down everything, making it a piece of useless metal hanging off your shoulder.

Product Placement (-5%) - Only available if you have eye augmentations. Essentially, this places product advertisements in your field of vision: Beer cans with flamboyant dancing mascots appear on empty desks, high powered sports cars appear in empty parking lots, miniature billboards appear as hanging pictures along walls, etc. Basically, this gives the GM permission to fuck with your vision via visual illusions.

Tracking (-50%) - The augment constantly records data about you: location data, shopping data, attention data, any and all data that might be usable for marketing purposes. You didn’t WANT privacy, did you?

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