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Alright, if I don’t define this list of very similar sounding, ever so slightly related words upfront, I’m going to confuse myself, and maybe you. There’s a strong chance in editing this document I’ve used the following terms interchangeably.

Console Jockey - A Combat Programmer who uses a CyberDeck to perform illicit activities using Warez.

CyberDeck - Homemade, military grade supercomputer compacted down into a small square meter.

CyberSpace - The realm digital. Most often experienced in modern day through the usage of Augmented Reality, which blends Cyber and Meatspace.

Hacking - Using social exploits and knowledge of digital exploits to access data and systems uninvited. Requires the Hacker’s full attention and is not advisable during combat operations.

Jocking - The act a Console Jockey performs when executing Warez. Much like the job it’s named after, it has a very high risk of debilitating or life-threatening injuries.

Programming - Writing and compiling programs. Can only be done during down time between missions.

Programs - Mostly called Apps nowadays. These are compiled code used to perform legitimate operations on a computer

Warez - Modern day WMDs that force devices to operate in potentially unexpected ways, usually against the operator’s will. Specifically made to be used in combat.


To get straight to the point, the cyberspace of 20XX is heavily dependent on meatspace. The Internet of Things distributed system makes up just about every object now in the human sphere. Physical objects are no longer disconnected from the virtual world, as they now contain some form of processing capability, rebroadcasting Internet services and allowing for remote and Augment Reality based control. From the gun at your side communicating with your cybereye to provide a crosshair, to the bag of salted seaweed chips advertising their price (and reporting your browsing/ purchasing habits) - everything is connected in the IoT.

Jocking, technically, takes place between meatspace and AR - before the digital displays flood your vision, IoT broadcasting points appear as points of light. People appear as moving constellations of personal networks. Single devices burn as singularities.

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