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You are a man about town. Your fingers are on the pulse of the nightlife and social gossip. If you’re not part of the ‘In Crowd,’ it’s because you’ve turned them down and they’re worse for it.

You gain +1 Groupie for every template of Face taken. A groupie is like a hireling, but paid in favors rather than money.

Starting Equipment: Taser (lr, d6, 20, Non-lethal), Blackjack (lm, d6, 0, Non-lethal), Silk Suit (₽500/+4; see below)

Starting Skill: [1] - Fashion, [2] - Pop Culture, [3] - Recent News

A. Nice Threads, They Know Me Here
B. Advanced Street Cred, Pep Talk
C. Fanatic Groupies, Gang Uniform
D. Really Good Liar

Nice Threads

Until they start making armor in pinstripe or egyptian silk, you’ll take your chances without. While wearing fashionable clothing of the same cost as related armor, you receive the equivalent defense, but without expending Inventory Slots. The clothing is Fragile however, and you suffer -1 def each time you’re scorched, dirtied, shot, stabbed - anything that would ruin such fine clothing.

They Know Me Here

You’re a regular at a local dive bar. The patrons are Friendly towards you, and are usually willing to lie for you, given plausible deniability. For a smile and some sweet words to the owner, you can use a backroom unmolested.

Advanced Street Cred

By recounting your recent adventures to a crowd, say a bar crowd, every character that participated in the adventure, and the retelling, receives an additional 10% of the Cred received during the adventure. Usable once per adventure.

Pep Talk

Once per session, as a free action, you may give a rousing speech to attempt to bolster the spirits of your allies. Any friends that can hear you regain 1d4 HP (the DM is encouraged to give a +1 or +2 bonus based on vigorous gesturing and if the other players are actually encouraged by the speech). Outside of combat, the speech is worth 1d6.

Fanatic Groupies

Your good looks and honeyed words have won over the crowds, to the point they’re willing to jump in between you and danger at a moment’s notice. If you take physical damage, you can choose to pass off the damage to an adjacent hireling. They make no additional check or save, merely take the damage meant for you.

Gang Uniform

While wearing an outfit involving a symbol representing the gang, any allies loyal to the gang and wearing the same symbol receive a +1 to attack. The symbol can be just about anything, as long as it undeniably identifies the specific gang, and members thereof.

Really Good Liar

Once per session, you may declare any excuse or argument to be both valid and acceptable.