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Inventory and Gear


PCs have a number of Inventory Slots equal to their Strength. Inventory slots represent all items carried, save for clothing (besides Armor), minor jewelry, and other cosmetic items.

Most items take up one inventory slot. Heavy weapons take up two slots. Armor takes up an amount of slots equal to its Defense rating. Negligible items take up none, nor do coins and gems, should you encounter those antiques in this digital age.

The first Dexterity divided by 2 slots are your Belt Slots, and can be accessed easily at any time. Everything else is considered to be in your Pack and requires 1d6 rounds in combat to acquire, or 1 round of dumping everything on the floor.


You gain Encumbrance points in 2 ways:

  1. Every Inventory slot filled past your Strength score incurs 1 point of Encumbrance.
  2. Each point of Defense rating over +3 gained from Armor or Shield incurs 1 point of Encumbrance.

Each Encumbrance point imposes a -1 penalty to Stealth, Movement, and Dexterity checks.

With 6 points of Encumbrance, running is impossible. At 10 points, <>

Like most things, both Inventory slots and Encumbrance can be affected by Augments, Gear, and Templates.


Gear typically comes in 3 forms: Armor, Weapons, and Equipment.


Armor is divided into three sizes (Light, Medium, Heavy). Every armor takes up a number of Inventory slots based on its size: Light takes up 2 slots, Medium 4 slots, Heavy 6 slots. Additionally, Medium armor imposes 1 point of Encumbrance, while Heavy imposes 3 points of Encumbrance.

Armor also affects your ability to swim, should it arise:

  • You can swim in Light Armor without penalty.
  • You must pass a Strength check to swim in Medium Armor
  • You can not swim in Heavy Armor.

Light Armor would be your leather jackets, gambeson, or impact mesh. They provide a Defense bonus of 2, and start around ₽200.

Medium armor would be kevlar vests, flak jackets, or those chainsaw safety pants things. They provide a Defense bonus of 4, and start around ₽500.

Heavy armor is standard riot gear - kevlar over chainmail, interwoven with impact mesh. They provide a Defense of 6 and will run you a hefty ₽1250 or more.

Riot Shields will run you ₽1200, take up a free hand, and provide +1 to Defense.


Weapons typically come in three sizes (Light, Medium, and Heavy) across two categories (Melee and Ranged).

Light Melee would be your daggers, stun batons, electro-brass knuckles. They typically start at ₽100.

Medium Melee would be your sword canes, rapiers, police batons. They take up a single Inventory slot, and start around ₽400.

Heavy Melee would be your great swords, chainsaws, jaws-of-life and typically cost ₽650.

Light Range would be your hold out pistols and stun guns. Two can fit into a single Inventory slot and typically cost ₽150.

Medium Range weapons would be revolvers, machine pistols, and rifles (such as AK47, M16). They take up one inventory slot and typically start at ₽600.

Heavy Range weapons would be your miniguns, flame throwers, and sniper rifles. They take up two inventory slots and require both hands to use. The cost starts at ₽1500.

Grenades are technically ranged, and do 1d6 damage to everyone in a 20 foot radius. They cost you ₽150 each.


Equipment is basically anything that isn’t Armor or a Weapon, but not an Augment. It’s a wide and varied category and, as such, descriptions and prices are provided below in a definitely non-exhaustive list. .

Breakage (Optional)

Whenever you make an Attack or Defense check and roll a Critical Failure (20), your Weapon or Armor loses an Endurance point. Weapons and Armor have Endurance points equal to their quality:

  • “Cheap” has 1 point of Endurance
  • “Standard” has 3 points of Endurance
  • “High” has 5 points of Endurance

When a Weapon loses an Endurance point, it suffers a cumulative -1 to Attack. At 0 Endurance points, it becomes unusable.

When Armor loses an Endurance point, it suffers a -1 to Defense. Further loss of Endurance points do not deplete the Defense rating further.

Endurance points can be restored with down time and the use of either a Weapon Repair Kit or an Armor Repair Kit.

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